Spiritual Awakening
There’s a high probability you’ve landed on my page because you’re out there searching for answers that can’t be found in today’s medical system. An interesting man once said to me "you’ll be the person that people find last" and I knew exactly what he meant by that as I too had gone all around the medical system, searching for answers or at least someone who could give me something that resonated with why my body was feeling the way it was. Eventually I found a Kinesiologist who would put me back together again before becoming my first of many great teachers. Unfortunately the current medical system is an old program, stemming from an indoctrinated education system. A limited belief system which will likely take decades before the literature is allowed to catch up to energy medicine. I’m going to describe to you what happens to anatomy and physiology and how you can best manage your energetic profile once your energetic awareness has awoken and environmental/energy of others can now be felt physically.
Earth is currently purging through a new cycle, an energetic Ascension, therefor many are experiencing a spiritual awakening. It’s messy and it’s rough. At the bottom of most of these experiences is the request for silence and solitude to listen to the messages coming through. The core blockages that will need to be addressed when releasing trauma are rejection, self-worth and self-love. We all think we’re the only ones going through this but the truth is, everyone goes through it at different times in life but the braver souls walk through first. This enables them to be the light for others when the darkness finally falls and we’re getting close to the rising of light for the collective darkness.
If the brain fog, fatigue, depression and anxiety rising to the surface sounds all too familiar, I can tell you how often this is divinely orchestrated for the Central Nervous System to fall apart. Throughout the rebuild, your body is telling you it desperately wants you to make changes. Many are going through this same process right now at this exact time and there are not a lot of practitioners out there who understand the depth of Ascension symptoms caused by a powerful spiritual awakening. When this first happened to me back in 1999 I spent a decade believing that I was sick before learning that I was an energy healer. That realisation came with a big job and a lot of responsibility. Eventually I realised that I’d totally depleted my energy system with all that energy that other people were tapping into from my reservoir in the higher realms. It didn’t happen just once in a lifetime, again in 2012 and also the big one in 2021. Each time, learning new skills to manage life in different Dimensions of consciousness. We call this the move from 3D into 4D and eventually activating your Merkaba and moving your Lightbody into the Fifth Dimension.
At Energetic Health we offer multi-dimensional levels of healing with qualifications in Counselling, Energy Healing, Holistic Medicine and Breathwork with Ascension Coaching for those further along. For these services and further details more can be found about the Ascension, Twin Flames, energetic relationships, and balancing the energy in 5D over on my services page at
The spiritual journey is a long game and this requires the diet to change many times to balance the anatomy as it adjusts to each new frequency. Your physiology will give you all kinds of challenges throughout the Ascension and as a Holistic Medicine practitioner I always advise people to address the physical problems first through a process of elimination to make sure that what they’re feeling really is symptoms of Ascension and nothing more. I’d look at diet and bulk-billed blood work from their GP to make sure that they’re not in a state of malnutrition or positive for auto-immune, cancer markers or chronic fatigue through lack of nutrients. If this was clear I’d then recommend energy healing work to replace the energy that’s been depleted and to raise them back to their frequency, assist them in feeling comfortable again. I’d observe their breathwork during the session to make sure they really have surrendered to the process and that they no longer shallow breathe. Often symptoms begin to fall away immediately once their body has been replenished with enough energy to become functional again.
For clients requesting energy healing work I always ask first have they done the easy affordable things first before moving to the more expensive stuff like energy healing, which usually costs well over 100 bucks for an experienced quality healer. I find most clients can shed many of the early layers just by using the energy protection kit and raising their frequency themselves which is a fraction of the price. If you’re in the Gold Coast region I’m available for sessions periodically. If you’re not in the Gold Coast area or you’re on a tighter budget I’ve created energy healing with products and these Energy Protection kits I’ve made available on this page for those wanting immediate changes and a better understanding of what’s happening. It really is time to protect your energy as everyone begins to get heavier and support is needed all round. As you move into the higher realms you can only take so many people with you and it’s a requirement to continuously cut off dead energy of those no longer growing with you into the higher Dimensions. To view our Energy Protection Kit, click Collections on the menu bar to find the fastest and most affordable way to protect your energy and support your healing journey.